
I've been tagged...

Okay… I’ve been tagged by the wonderful Saundra of planning… forever events. Here are the rules as taken from Saundra’s blog (a must read):

Here are the new rules!
  1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
  2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others you like and tell why.
  3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
  4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I have to be honest and say that I never gave this much though until now. Therefore, I had to sit and contemplate a bit.

  1. The artist formerly known as Prince, or whatever he’s called these days – Kiss -- When this song comes on, I’m immediately moving in my seat! ::blushing::
  2. No artist – Preschool greeting song (blame my babies) – Good morning, good morning, good morning how are you… I’m fine, I’m fine, and I hope that you are too…
  3. Isley Brothers – Make me say it again Girl -- I love, love this song… Don’t ask why.
  4. Mary J. -- Mirror – Something about the beat of the music that gets me going.
  5. Alicia Keys – Like you’ll never see me again – This song makes me stop and appreciate life in general. (Alicia’s video embed code was disabled. Here’s the song sung by tillykey. They did a nice job!)

I'm tagging: Elite Bridal Concierge -- SJB Events -- Always Fabulous Events -- Parisian Party -- Mark Eric -- Ready2Spark -- The Ink Spot


Namaste for Your Wedding Day

Hi everyone!

My name is Brittney and I'm new to the intern program here at Precious Nuptials & Destinations. I must say I'm excited to be here and happy to blog with the other interns :-)

As a planning bride myself, my mom recently gave me a book that has helped with the stress of planning the big day. Susan Elia MacNeal titles it Wedding Zen: Calming Wisdom for the Bride. It's a little book that teaches today's bride the basic principles of classic Zen, and it's a BIG help when you feel like all those wedding details are wearing you down! To see how a little namaste can help you during your planning days, check it out at your nearest book store!
