Make a Difference... Anywhere... Anytime...

Living green can be a life habit. I would like to share with you a program, or website if you will, that we suggest to all of our honeymooners and destination wedding clients. Charity Guide offers a variety of ideas to give back. From home, from the office, or at a special destination you can commit to as little as fifteen minutes of your time. Wow! What if everyone gave fifteen minutes daily? Let's not set a goal that's unachievable. How about fifteen minutes weekly? The world would most certainly feel a positive change.
Destination couples often schedule a list of group activities or events. Why not schedule to give back through group participation at your destination? That would totally take the "Honeyteer" (turning a honeymoon into a volunteer experience) to a new level. Destination weddings averages between thirty and forty guests (different case studies may vary slightly). That's taking the giving from times two to times thirty or forty! What a way to make a difference on foreign ground?! This reminds me of another variation of Oprah's Big Give. Give once and it's something that continues to grow. It's the BIG picture in the end that melts my heart. We all have the same twenty-four hours in our day. It's what we do with it that makes the difference.
Take a look at the website and make a personal commitment. You'll be glad you did, and don't forget to tell everyone you know. Keep us posted. We'd love to hear about your efforts!
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